Elizabeth Torres

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Let Go and Let God...

Hey Babes! I am getting ready to leave town for about a week but I wanted to share something a bit more personal today. I have received a ton of questions on social media about career and how I got started in this field. It is actually a very long story but I got started straight out of college in 2010 and I was lucky enough to have mentors that really opened lots of doors for me. I started a as runway stylist and then decided I wanted to be in front of the camera. Since then I've had great exposure and opportunities but just as many hardships and emotional crisis. There have been days in which I want to crawl under my bed and give up. Yet the days in which my calling is stronger than any storm are the days in which I reassure myself god is in control and he did not bring me this far to only bring me this far. In the past year I took the decision to let go and let god. I also decided to enjoy the process and begin to live my life to the fullest. Life is not the final destination but the journey it self. For those of you who are going through something similar I promise it only gets better. Always do your job with integrity, professionalism and the rest is up to god. Wish you all an amazing weekend and as always outfit details below. 


 Hola mis amores! Me estoy preparando para salir de viaje pero antes les quiero compartir algo un poco personal. En los ultimos dias me an enviado mensajes en redes sociales sobre mi carrera y como fue que comence. Comence mi carrera en el 2010 cuando me recibi de la universidad y tuve la dicha que se me abrieran muchisimas puertas. Comence trabajando como estilista en pasarelas y fue ahi que decidi que lo mio era la television. Desde entonces me an llegado buenisimas oportunidades aunque no todo a sido color de rosa.  Como todo en la vida he tenido momentos dificiles. Pero siempre me he enfocado en los dias buenos  y me recuerdo a mi misma que dios no me a dejado llegar tan lejos para solo llegar asta este punto. El ano pasado tome la decision de dejar que todo fluyera y dios guiara mi camino pues la vida no se trata de llegar a tu destino sino de saber disfrutar el viaje. Para todas ustedes que esten en una situacion similar les prometo que todo pasa. Lo importante es hacer tu trabajo con integridad y profesionalismo pues dios se encarga de lo demas. Les deceo a todas un super fin de semana y como siempre detalles de mi look abajo.