Elizabeth Torres

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Style Tricks for petite frames…

Hi guys! If your petite or in other words short then you are at the right place. Believe it or not I am only 5’3 yet I own it like no other. The truth is no matter what your size is if you know what looks good then you can rock any outfit. Today’s look might seem like something not a lot of petite women would dare to wear but this is actually one of the most flattering style dresses for not only petite but also curvy women. The secret as always is in proportion. As you could see I styled my dress with a very wide black belt to give me a lot of definition at the waist and paired it with a invisible stappy heel. Both these style hacks helped elongate the silhouette and actually made me look taller than what I really am. If you are petite like myself don’t scare away from these styles and give them a try they might turn into your staple. Do not forget to follow me on all my social media platforms!