Levi’s never fail…

I know I’m not the only millennial that feels nostalgic every time I put on a pair of Levi’s. In the 90s Levi’s was the only pair of denim we wore. While shopping for wide leg jeans I realize Levis makes great fitting denim. I can’t stop but wonder why we ever replaced them with the cheap fast fashion of the early 2000s. One thing the Gen Z got right was to put fast fashion to rest for a second and revive the real timeless pieces. Those pieces that scream “I will never get old”.
And I can’t help but wonder if Levi’s were so good why did we forget about them. Why did pop culture have so much influence on us in the early 2000s that we threw out great quality denim and replace it with denim that cost under $15. See the problem with fast fashion is labor factory exploitation, poor quality and the amount of waste it creates for the environment. So if we are a generation that wants to make the world a better place shouldn’t we begin by changing our daily habits. Shouldn’t we look within our own lives and make drastic changes rather than sharing articles about global warming on social media.
I have recently taken it upon myself to be a part of the solution and not the problem. I am on a re-recycle reuse style phase. And it’s been so much fun. Believe it or not todays look is a combination of pieces form my mothers and sisters closet. My sister and I decided to swap out items in our closets. My mom is the queen of vintage fashion.
Today’s look is a pair of Levi’s, a vintage 1980s jacket from my mom’s closet and a pair of 10+ years old Ellen Tracy heels from my sister’s closet.
If only the fashion industry could jump on the bandwagon of consciously producing. We as consumers would be more inclined to quality over quantity. Factories would be forced to abide by labor laws and the cycle of fashion would finally slow down.
Comment below and let me know your thoughts on fast fashion.