Hair Growth Journey…

Hello beauties!
Today’s post is a bit emotional for me because I have always taken so much pride in my long hair. I am truly blessed with thick, healthy and shiny hair. Not sure why last year I decided it was a good idea to change it up and go from long waist hair to a short bob. In my head I thought my hair would grow back in no time. Well things didn’t go as planned. For reference my hair does grow super fast. When I went into the salon and asked my hair stylist for a bob she didn’t question by decision and went straight into chopping my hair off. Once she had chopped the hair she kindly offered a complimentary keratin treatment. Not knowing exactly what keratin contains and feeling the pressure of accepting she proceeded with the treatment. First month I was having fun with my new short hair but I noticed my roots were not growing back as fast as they normally did. Side note I have been growing greys since my early twenties and my hair grows so fast I have to touch up every 2 weeks. So evidently after a month of no roots I began to feel uneasy because I realized my hair wasn’t going to grow back as I had anticipated. In the process I had an eye conjunction, I contracted COVID along with other things. So three months later I realize still no roots and I start to look into hair growth products. In my search for the best products I come across a creator talking about keratin treatments stopping her hair growth. And then I went down a rabbit hole. The purpose of keratin is to give you straight silky hair yet the ingredients also clog your hair follicles which slows hair growth. Research it yourself as I am sure everyone’s experience is different I am just sharing mine.
After finding that out I tried everything to stimulate growth. I am fortunate enough to work with amazing brands that sent me so many products which made my journey easier. Below is the list of my favorite products which I found helped stimulate my hair growth the most. Would love to hear your thoughts and experiences with HG.
Bondi Boost HG Shampoo, Conditioner and Miracle Mask. I have worked with Bondi Boost before the brand made its way to Sephora and I love them. I shared my story with the girls on the team and they immediately sent over a package. This shampoo contains Rosemary oil, peppermint oil which all together help hair growth. I began to see results in a few weeks. The team also sent me the HG vitamins and Intensive Spray.
2. Nature Lab Tokyo is so underrated. This I received as a PR package and it sat in my office for months. In my search for HG products I came across rice water and scalp detox treatments. I then remembered the Nature Lab package I had sitting in my office. I used this scalp scrub in the shower along with the scalp balancing rinse. I can’t stress how clean your hair feels after washing. It was really after I began to use these two products along with my other products that the growth speed up.
3. Rosemary Mint Scalp Hair Straightening Oil. Once I figured out my scalp needed a lot of help I started applying a little of everything. The Mielles Rosemary Oil is one of the most popular in the market and I can only say “it works”! I used the oil, shampoo, hair mask and saw immediate results.
Before, After and Current photos. 👇🏻
Before I chopped it off.
This was a few weeks after cutting it.
This is my current length. I still have long ways to go.